Customized Yoga, Art & Healing experiences, tours and retreats to tune your mind, body and spirit to the music of your heart & harmonize with the rhythm of the Earth & Cosmos.
YoLanda offers customized retreats, packages, sessions and experiences to connect powerfully to the magical Spirit of Sedona in unique ways. Liberate your Soul Essence, most people are walking around with their divine expression suppressed inside…. Learn how to create a temple environment physically through movement, art, yoga, breathwork, nature therapy, hiking, ceremony, meditation, channeling, acutonics, shamanic healing, sacred practices, decree & energy healing. Yolanda helps you find specifically what your soul needs and why you may be called to Sedona. These sessions have break-through transformational impact especially for those suffering with pain, anxiety, depression, trauma, fear and blockages. Are you ready to live a life of Joy, Peace & Freedom.
~Private intuitive elemental yoga sessions (in studio) and on the land : Yin, Restorative, Elemental Flow, Embodied Hatha, Rainbow/Light Body, Inner Power, Yin/Yang Balance, Thai Chi/Qi Gong
~Sound Healing on the Land – drum, crystal bowls, native flute, medicine songs
~Forest Bathing & Star Gazing Sessions (inspired by Shinrin-Yoku, nature therapy developed extensively in Japan)
~Customized experiences to connect to the magic of Sedona, learn about the true history of the land, connect to the vortexes & star people, learn about the plants and create memories that will be embedded into your soul.
~Self Love Ceremony – inner child healing & play (tap into your inner-most joy!)
~Sacred Arts & Crafts – mandala, rock painting, landscapes, animal totem, altar creation, ceremonial smudge fans/crystal wands/fae photoshoots with crown/wings etc.
~Ceremonies & Circles : Group or individualized
~Labyrinth and Medicine Wheel journeys
~Dreamwork Sessions (combined with breathwork & yin yoga)
~Full Spectrum Crystal Healing with Amethyst Medical Mat (Intuitive Reiki Sessions)
~Zoom sessions available – remote healing, breathwork, yoga
~Customized Retreats – We are spiritual beings having a human experience, every retreat is intuitively created to provide a unique experience exactly what YOU need to awaken and illuminate your Soul Essence.
and more…Yolanda Curtis, Certified Psychic Guide, 7th Generation Reiki Master , RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Fashion Designer, Artist, Soul Entrepreneur
(928) 821-1725
