RTT Certified Hypnotherapist
Introspective Hypnosis Practitioner
PSYCH-K Facilitator
BQH Practitioner (past life regression)
Ascension11 & Trinfinity8 Practitioner**
ET Experiencer, Intuitive, Psychic
Shoshone North Star Blessing Ceremony
Hypnotherapeutic Guided Visualizations
My service offerings and why I do what I do:
You know how many people grow up in homes where they never feel safe? They
feel unseen, unheard, and confused. Then, as adults, they often find themselves
in destructive relationships replaying the familiar pattern where they feel
powerless, like they don’t matter. I grew up in a family where I was unable to
speak or express my emotions, so I understand the pain that comes with that
As a transformation and navigation guide, I am passionate about helping mature
conscious adults find the life path that serves their highest good. Together we
discover and unleash clients’ inner and outer strengths, release limited thinking,
beliefs, and self-destructive behavior. Clients learn to set strong boundaries and
make their voices heard. The ultimate result is freedom and the ability make life
choices that match their new, authentic selves.
About me:
I offer customized sessions, packages, and experiences tailored to your needs that
also connect you to Sedona’s sacred, healing land. My tools (in-office, remotely,
or in nature) are my own blend of hypnotherapy modalities and sound healing
(tuning forks, singing bowls, my voice). I also offer PSYCH-K (brain hemisphere
balancing), guided visualizations, ceremonies, and unique healing using
Ascension11 and Trinfinity8 devices which are ancient healing processes that have
recently been reintroduced using higher dimension technologies.
My deep connection to the Earth Mother comes partially through my great, great
Tewa Grandmother from New Mexico’s Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo. As foretold in the
Hopi Prophesy, we are at that point where we’re being asked to choose timelines:
Ascension vs artificial intelligence. As a grandmother myself, I feel the
responsibility of helping others release stored pain and trauma, as all the healing
work we do on ourselves heals seven generations both directions – our ancestors
and descendants. This important healing also raises the frequency of the
collective consciousness.
One of the most important things I’ve learned in my hypnotherapy practice is the
power of the frequency (or tone) of the voice. My clients frequently comment on
how soothing my voice is. My last client wrote in her testimonial, “Your voice … is
a gift to humanity. It is part of what we call sound healing.”
Also, my clients report that they experience relief and a sense of freedom after
our sessions. One well-respected local businesswoman said that she felt 100
pounds of baggage sitting on her shoulders had disappeared and felt a sense of
peace she had not felt in her entire life. “It felt like I got years’ worth of therapy in
a matter of three hours.”
Carol Lucia Lopez
(928) 327-1256
*Zoom sessions available
**Remote/distance healing available
***Permitted for operation on Coconino National Forest.