The Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association and its members strive to provide the highest standards of

Integrity * Ethics * Professionalism * Confidentiality * Non-discriminatory Practices

We honor all people’s

Truths * Philosophies * Religious Beliefs

As our members all have individual businesses, the variance in our practices, while unique to each of us, establishes and maintains the ethical intent for all who seek our skills, services, and products. We welcome any comments that help us maintain this high order of integrity, as we believe satisfied clients promote the greatest good, for not only our clients, but for our organization, and our community.

All Members Agree to the Following

– We respect and treat each client and colleague as unique individuals with free will. We serve those in our care with honesty and compassion, with the highest regard for their well-being and safety.
– We provide services within the scope and training of our competence. We refer clients to other appropriate professionals when necessary and respect treatments already in progress.
– We provide information about our experience, qualifications, certifications and licensure.
– We use our skills and specific tools to encourage personal and spiritual growth for our clients.
– We are dedicated to providing services from a clear and unimpaired state.
– We are committed to continuously working on our own growth, resulting in a high level of expertise and responsibility.
– We are committed to continuously working on our own growth, resulting in a high level of expertise and responsibility.
– We offer an environment, an appearance and a behavior that reflects professionalism and shows respect to our clients.

Client Relationships
– Each of us cares for the best interest and satisfaction of our clients by providing advance information on fees, content and length of services, cancellations/deposit policies and cost of any additional service option.
– We maintain open and honest communication with clients at all times and respect client confidentiality.
– We maintain clear and professional (non-sexual) boundaries with our clients at all times.

Service Related
– We market ourselves (attract clients) through honest methods and promotional activities, coming from a place of authenticity.
– Those of our members who make products available for purchase present those items in a non-invasive way.

The Following Groups within the Membership Affirm the Following

Reading, Counseling/Therapy Providers
– We provide information-insights to our clients based on our unique gifts and abilities with the focus of empowering them.
– We respect that the clients are ultimately determining the choices they make.

Massage and Bodywork Practitioners
– We maintain state licensure (LMT) and appropriate credentials.
– We establish an awareness and respect for the client’s current physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of being.
– We affirm that massage and bodywork are for therapeutic purposes and are non-sexual.

Healing Providers
– We seek clients on promoting health and wellness, not fears or insecurities..

Tours and Ceremony Providers
– We affirm that the safety of our clients on the land is of paramount importance. We strive to match clients with services appropriate to their abilities. Our guides/ministers are knowledgeable in safety procedures.
– We respect the land and follow “Leave No Trace” policies. We practice Sacred Site Etiquette principles and honor other’s use of sites.
– We believe responsible access to the land should be available to everyone, to accommodate the growing interest in spiritual “Placed Based Activities” and Ceremonies. SMSA strives to work with the appropriate local, state, and federal agencies toward that end.

Centers, Stores, and Retreat Facilities
– We provide a sacred environment for personal and spiritual growth. The appearance of our facilities and the behavior of our facilitators and other staff reflect professionalism and show respect to our clients.
– We promote all of the above guidelines for services offered in or through our facilities.

Class/Instruction Providers
– We have respect for the teacher/student relationship and do not misuse that trust and position of power for personal gain.

This Pledge of Professional Ethics is signed by all Active members in good standing of the Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association (SMSA).