SMSA Community Events
SMSA organizes or participates in events,
where its members promote or present their services to the community.
Monthly Membership Meetings
The Association’s monthly Membership Meetings are the forum for members
to add their input and suggestions for our dynamic growth,
and an opportunity to get to know other members, while exploring possible referrals.
The meetings are either a General Members Meeting with an informative character,
or a Social Members Meeting.
The SMSA Members Meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:15PM.
The location for the General Members Meeting is:
Peace Place Gifts & Reiki Center Sedona – (In the Karma Room – Classroom)
355 Jordan Rd, Sedona, AZ – (up Jordan Rd, on the left).
Visitors are welcome.
The Social Members Meetings are hosted by one of the SMSA members.
You find the upcoming dates for 2018 on the calendar of this website.
Member Events
On the Event Calendar, “ME” before an event denotes an event initiated by a SMSA member.
All Member Events are managed by individual members.
Please, utilize the Contact & Organizer information listed for the specific event you are interested in,
to direct questions or registrations.
Don’t forget to let our members know, that you found this event through!